time is precious...comes n goes very fas...waiting nobody it sees...
in just a blink of eyes only half of ramadhan left...
hmm...byk nak share tp terase mase terlampau sikit dlm bulan puase nie...
ape pon hrp2 setiap detik masa di bulan puase nie bermanfaat dan x disia2kn....i'Allah...
dah lebih 2 minggu naces berlalu...tp baru rase nak share kan ape itu naces n mcm mane kami boleh terlibat same n yg paling penting...experience2 sepanjang perjalanan kami...=)
semuanya bermula pd suatu hari...
hari2 biase dimane byk perkare2 biase yg sering dilakukan oleh dak2 utp especially my coursemate (chemy 1st y 2nd sem)....semua sibuk dgn aktivt2 masing2,event2,studY?,game,futsal,gosip n mcm2 lagi...ttbe ak rase kelapangan(kebosann) seketika...saat tu la mule bersiar2 kat v2 utk mencari ape2 yg boleh dilakukan(walaupun sbnye byk keje tyme tu :ex-assgmnt,robocon etc)...pd mase tu la ak terjumpe iklan cppc(chemical paper presentation competition-utp lvl)...so ak terus amek no. fon kat iklan tuh n msg da respective person immediately,respon pon ok...(act dateline utk reg compt nie da berlalu 2 hari yg sebelumnye...but new registration still accepted...y?)
process mencari grupmate pon berlaku...xsempat nak tanye rmi org coz forsure rmi yg sibuk ngn mcm2 aktvt n xpasti minat mereke terhadap mende nie..huhu...mase jln2 pergi lecture ak ternampak yamin...so after borak bbrpe minit jd la dye org pertame sbg grupmate ak...then dipendekkn cite ida n gg antare 2 org yg seterusnye...mlm tu juge kami ber-4 memulekan perbincagan...dgn tajuk-gl0bel wAter cRiSUs-...pd mulenye penyertaan kami mmg sekadar sahaje2 saje...coz act tarikh presentation nye ade pd 27feb....(3 hari je tuk prepare)....naseb baek ida ade pengalaman sket, so confidence ar sket...
meeting dgn organizer dtetapkn...rupe2nye...our grup is the 4th grup registered for the competition...aiseh...patot la reg lambat pon dorg xkesah...after meeting about the tentative,rules,judges,competition day,ect...ktrg pon teruskn la menyiapkn slide2 presentation ktrg...
the real day of the competition...dgn preparation yg xseberape dlm mase 3 hari nie ktrg tetap lakukan yg terbaek....3 hari siang dan malam bertungkus lumus...apepon ktrg bersyukur dgn ape yg ktrg wat...we r satisfied wif our presentation=)....utk cte yg lebih lanjut leh klik sini ye...>>>>
then time goes by....walaopon cter diatas lari tajuk cket..act itu la detik permulaan kepada cpdc kami...even lost wif 2nd y grup cppc, semgt utk ktrg wat bende2 m'cbr xterhenti kat ctu....to make it short...dsebalik iklan cppc, ade la iklan cpdc(chemical plant design competition-utp lvl)...so ak yg mule tertarik ngn iklan tuh pon msg la org yg incharge with the compt-miss aira...ble tnye,upenye2 lg dasyat...xde compt utk utp lvl sbb xde grup yg nk masuk. dats mean there is no rep from utp for the national lvl...urkh...terkejut+pelik+keciwe+excited...so ak pon teros bertanye lebih lanjut....
n ni antare jwpn2 dari cik aira tuh...
"currently there are a few that interested but none have confirmed yet"
"final year but i dont think they'll join"
"of course can...its open to all but if u're really interested u av to give me your teams name latest by 2moro"
"if u r really interested u should definitely join. so just giv me u n ur teams detail cz i need to send the names by 2moro(14march)...n about da senior i'll definetely help u look for sum1...is dat ok?"
so hati ak pon berbelah bhgi + excited mase tu...without thinking futher i just accepted it n send da detail to her...mase nie la nasri telah menggantikan yamin dari team cppc tuk cpdc nie..
9April09 - briefing
aira msg tuk brief naces utk semua yg participate....just after our lab SP test(mase nie gak jatuh motor dgn nasri time otw ke v5 ..lol)about 30 utp student from diff batch confirmed to participate...semua kene byr yurannye sbyk rm80...tket flight kne beli sndri...huhu...rep utk cppc(asma,sara,kuhan+nirash) n cpdc(ak,nasri,gg,ida+fauzan) dah diconfirmkn...
March09-June09 - sibuk
mase berlalu lagi...mase yg sangat pnjg...
sejak lepas brief sehingga lah habis final...there is almost zero of progress av been done...>_<....antara sbbnye kami perlu fokus utk fFInaAL exam especially ak n nasri yg xde study week.... planning2 sume...after a time baru la dpt mulekn kerje..penat ak plan sorg2...wat proposal la,cari mr tazli yg sgt sibuk,lect2 laen...last2 jmpe abg hafiz(asst lab EG ktrg)time kaseh yg xterhingge kerane byk membantu,2 minggu lepas final exam ak stay kat utp utk selesaikan ape yg patut(1st week with ida n gg)...yg laen2 still tgh sibuk...
31may09 - HOliDAY!!!=)))
lepas selesai sume....bru lah bermule cuti ak yg sgt2 mendamaikan(setahun xcuti)....^_^
20june09 -back to utp
after cuti yg sgt panjang..(bbrpe minggu je)...bg ak la...ak pon kembali ke utp...utk meneruskn keje2 yg seterusnye....apepon tahniah kepade pencapaian2 mereka
ida-1st place netball
fauzan-3rd place theater+pelakon harapn...
nasri-HICOM MAP09...
utp syntium-3rd place national robocon...alhamdulillah...
6july09 - start working
kte penat2 merancang...tapi Dia yg tebaik dlm menentukan...secare keseluruhan masa nie la persiapan utk 1st submission kami dimulekan dgn komitmen keseluruh ahli2.walaopon ak baru habis obs(Outward Bound School)yg sgt best+penat..tp kene gak bg komitmen yg sepenuhnye...
7july09 - plant visit
setelah survey dilakukan oleh nasri+gg+fauzan minggu lepas...ktrg pon buat la visit kat water treament plant in parit,perak.to much things to learn...

berusaha keras utk siapkn project2 detail nie...tp still enjoying the holiday...penat2 keje mest g mamak...

20july09 - project description submission
the 1st day of the new sem. hampir sume kelas miss...satu je berjaye pergi...nie sume gare2 nak menyiapkn project description nie....alhamdulillah berjaye disubmit pada 4.58pm waktu tempatan(deadline(5.00pm))
27jul09- hard copy
hard copy project description berjaye sampai dtgn head competition organizer(deadline 30july)...thx pada byezura atas pertolgn anda...kalo x,nak post kesabah tuh ntah sampai ntah tidak...isk
1August-14August - plant model construction...

pulun la siang malam...hari2 tdo kul 4pg...weekend full time...sume usahe keras....

org laen sibuk memulakan sem dgn ilmu2 yg baru...kami pule pulun dok siap mende nie....but stil rmi lg yg sibuk ngn aktvt2 laen expecially yg prepare for utp convofair09 yg berlangsung selari dgn tarikh compt kami...time kasih kepade rakan2 yg membantu dlm kelas...lab+assigmn+presentation+etc...
...the real day...
i'll share later...^_^
antare2 cebisan2 nye sile klik sini....
berbuke puase bersame2 participant2 naces yg laen kat bt gajah...nice gathering...mkn byk sgt2 dan tersgt kenyang....

thx to da organizer-sufi.ikmal n laen2=)

a couple of hour sharing story...
alhamdulillah...terase kelapangn skit bbrpe hari nie...
TC tutoring program canceled...
cuti 3 hari...=)
tp coming soon...4 test,quizes,assigment,pcs(profesional communication skills) presentation,r-play2?...
apepon...nak balik dulu...berbuka bersahur bersama family adalah yg terbaik+)
semoga 15 hari seterusnya adalah yg terbaik dari sebelumya...i'Allah...
komen: penceritaan ini lebih kepada diari pencerita daripada apa yangberlaku sekelilingnya..but some how..a good start for blogging..keep up da gud work! :P
ReplyDeleteuh diari?sejak kecik xpenah ade diari ar..>_<
ReplyDeletetp cte nie xmelibatkn org luar mahupun msyrkt umum ye...